WooCommerce development team  showcasing product catalog customisation and checkout flow optimisation

WooCommerce Development

Delivering enterprise WooCommerce sites used by millions.

WooCommerce Development Experts

Box UK is a trusted partner for enterprise WooCommerce development, specialising in large-scale, high-transaction implementations that deliver measurable results. From robust backend integrations to seamless user experiences, we unlock the full potential of WooCommerce to power your ecommerce success.

How we deliver

Accelerate Digital Commerce
Box UK’s expert WooCommerce developers bring years of experience in delivering scalable, flexible ecommerce solutions that help businesses rapidly launch and grow their online presence. Whether you’re setting up a new WooCommerce store or optimising an existing one, we tailor each implementation to your specific goals, ensuring a seamless and revenue-driving ecommerce experience.

Tailored Ecommerce Solutions for Enterprise
We work closely with you to understand your business, target audience, and product offerings, developing a bespoke ecommerce platform that meets your needs. From handling thousands of SKUs to integrating advanced payment options and tax configurations, our enterprise WooCommerce solutions are built for scale and designed to evolve alongside your business.

B2B and B2C Expertise
Box UK delivers WooCommerce solutions that cater to both B2B and B2C markets. We craft tailored ecommerce platforms that support digital goods, physical products, memberships, subscriptions, and more, while integrating with your marketing platforms and ERP systems to streamline operations and enhance customer experience.

Seamless Integrations for an Efficient Ecosystem
Our WooCommerce experts specialise in complex integrations, connecting your ecommerce platform with essential business systems such as NetSuite, SAP, and CRM solutions. We ensure that your entire ecommerce ecosystem—from payment gateways to logistics and customer communications—is streamlined for efficiency and growth.

Why WooCommerce?

Flexibility and Scalability
WooCommerce provides a flexible foundation for ecommerce, allowing businesses to customise their online stores as they grow. Box UK leverages WooCommerce’s extensive library of plugins and custom extensions to create unique ecommerce environments that meet your exact needs, from handling large product inventories to offering personalised shopping experiences.

Robust Security and Availability
WooCommerce’s codebase is audited for security and backed by Box UK’s ISO 27001:2013-accredited processes. Our partnerships with WordPress VIP and WP Engine ensure 24/7 support, automatic vulnerability scans, and regular updates to keep your platform secure and highly available.

Enterprise Ecommerce at Scale
As the team behind the largest ever WooCommerce implementations, Box UK is uniquely positioned to help enterprise businesses scale their ecommerce operations. We design WooCommerce solutions that can handle high traffic, large transactions, and complex integrations, supporting global businesses in reaching their goals.

WooCommerce Migration Services
Switching platforms? Our WooCommerce migration experts ensure a smooth transition, maintaining your product data, content, and search visibility. We help you avoid disruptions to your sales and SEO performance, ensuring your ecommerce site remains fully operational during the migration process.

Custom WooCommerce Development
When off-the-shelf solutions aren’t enough, Box UK’s WooCommerce developers can build custom extensions and plugins to meet your specific requirements. From advanced payment options to dynamic pricing models, we deliver bespoke solutions that enhance your ecommerce capabilities while adhering to industry best practices.

How we can help

WooCommerce Development Expertise
With a track record of building large-scale WooCommerce platforms, Box UK is a leader in enterprise ecommerce development. Our team of WooCommerce experts works exclusively with high-transaction systems, delivering robust, scalable solutions that power your digital commerce strategy.

Seamless Integrations
From ERP to CRM, we integrate WooCommerce with your back-office systems to streamline operations and improve customer experience. Whether you need custom APIs or advanced automation, Box UK ensures that your WooCommerce platform is fully connected and optimised for success.

Rescue and Optimisation Services
Worried about your current platform’s performance? Box UK’s consultancy services can help rescue and optimise your WooCommerce implementation, improving site speed, user experience, and overall system performance.

End-to-End WooCommerce Solutions
Box UK’s multidisciplinary team includes developers, UX designers, and business analysts who work together to deliver complete WooCommerce solutions. From design and build to optimisation and support, we ensure that every aspect of your ecommerce platform is geared toward driving growth and delivering measurable results.

Why Box UK?

Our experience in delivering the two largest WooCommerce implementations globally speaks for itself. Box UK combines deep technical knowledge with a strategic, business-focused approach to help clients achieve ecommerce success on a global scale. Partner with us to unlock the full potential of WooCommerce for your enterprise.

Talk to one of our digital experts

Pete Withers-Jones

Head of Development

Do you have an idea or a project you need support with?

Pete Withers-Jones leads Box UK’s Development Practice, and has over 20 years of experience in software development, working across various industries and technologies.

Or call us on 020 8098 2093

Frequently Asked Questions

What is WooCommerce?

Extendable, adaptable, scalable and eminently customisable, WooCommerce is the open source ecommerce platform for WordPress that today powers 20% of the world’s top 1 million online stores. Through WooCommerce, a complete online shop can be added to any WordPress installation, with an active marketplace of extensions, plugins and API integrations offering further valuable functionality.

Online retailers can leverage WooCommerce’s extensive feature set to easily manage the full ecommerce lifecycle, including setting up product lines and custom taxonomies, providing a wide range of payment methods, and coordinating order management and fulfilment. The ecommerce platform also supports multi-lingual and multi-currency offerings, to grow international reach and engagement.

Who should use WooCommercE?

As the ecommerce partner to WordPress VIP – the fully-managed, enterprise WordPress offering from Automattic – WooCommerce is ideal for organisations of any scale that are looking to build out their online retail proposition. Current WooCommerce clients include leading brand names from across the globe, including Aeropress, Weber, Singer, Dr Scholl’s and our own clients OKdo and RS Components.

Its high levels of customisation across content, functionality and appearance enable it to be tailored to suit the specific needs of different industries, audiences and geographical regions, across physical and digital products and both B2B and B2C markets.

Building on WordPress VIP also brings with it all the benefits of this powerful and flexible platform, including blazing-fast performance, enhanced security, and a comprehensive customer service offering to safeguard the availability and stability of your online store.

What are the main WooCommerce features?

A key feature of WooCommerce is its ease-of-use, integrating seamlessly with WordPress and providing a suite of readily-available Gutenberg blocks to enable organisations to rapidly launch a high-quality ecommerce offering. It also supports popular payment methods including major credit cards, bank transfers, cheques, and cash on delivery as standard, with over 140 additional channels available to integrate including Stripe, PayPal, Square, and Amazon Pay.

By partnering with an experienced WooCommerce development agency, retailers can further expand and enhance their platform with a range of product types including physical and digital items, subscriptions, bundles and even appointments. Your WooCommerce development partner can also help you integrate additional features and functionality from a large and active marketplace – another key feature of WooCommerce – ranging from analytics and marketing capabilities to multichannel and point of sale extensions.

How scalable is WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is inherently scalable, able to support product ranges running to tens of thousands of SKUs and millions of orders a day. It also integrates with some of the world’s largest shipping and delivery companies including FedEx, USPS and Amazon Fulfilment, to ensure your products reach customers wherever they are across the globe.

WooCommerce is also built with international ecommerce considerations in mind, to support increased reach and geographical targeting. Working together with WordPress, translations across a wide variety of languages can be managed with ease, and product prices can be displayed in a user’s relevant currency to streamline the purchase process.

At Box UK our WordPress and WooCommerce developers are also highly skilled in integrating complex back-office integrations with the platforms, including tax and compliance engines that enable you to adhere to any region-specific requirements when selling your goods.

Why choose WooCommerce over other ecommerce options?

WooCommerce provides all the features and functionality online retailers need to deliver an intuitive and enjoyable shopping experience, whether they are extending their physical offering to digital channels or migrating an existing ecommerce platform to support continued growth and diversification.

WooCommerce also offers all the advantages of open source software, giving you access to a wide pool of knowledge and expertise when building and maintaining your WooCommerce installation. The open source nature of WooCommerce also powers its marketplace of plugins and extensions, which can help minimise custom development costs.

As it’s built on WordPress, the most popular content management system in the world, you also benefit from a familiar and proven back-end interface, speeding up onboarding and helping to reduce administration costs.

As it’s built on WordPress, the most popular content management system in the world, you also benefit from a familiar and proven back-end interface, speeding up onboarding and helping to reduce administration costs.

Client Stories

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