Options Analysis

Evaluate and future-proof your IT ecosystem with expert options analysis and recommendations.

Comprehensive options analysis, appraisal, and recommendations for an IT ecosystem that delivers what you need, now and in the future.

Using a tried-and-tested agile process, our options analysis service will provide you with a cost-effective, future-proofed systems architecture comprising the most usable and suitable software solutions available.

Our consultants will work to build an in-depth understanding of your software development needs, based on what’s required by the business in the short-, medium- and long-term.

This insight will inform expert software options analysis and recommendations for the systems, infrastructure and processes that will best deliver against your requirements – including supporting the implementation of your digital transformation strategy â€“ to give you a clear plan for the future and helping you to make a business case for change.

Deck chair in woodland with words "Time well spent" printed on it

National Trust Wales

A major site rebuild provided National Trust Wales with the perfect opportunity to introduce Welsh-language content into their online experience. However, functional challenges and a lack of shared understanding were hindering attempts to find an effective solution.

After discovering that the institution already had the tools they needed within their current technology stack, we were able to signpost the National Trust towards the solution they needed, after just three days.

Options Analysis at Box UK

Agile discovery phase

A highly collaborative process, the discovery phase of any options analysis and appraisal project helps drive quality and efficiency by facilitating a shared understanding of both the current software development situation and future requirements, as well as possible risks for mitigation.

Ensuring success from the outset, we’ll assign you a multi-disciplinary team who act as â€˜champions’ for the different perspectives involved in defining an effective IT ecosystem. This includes an experienced business analyst responsible for capturing and communicating organisational needs, and a solutions architect to evaluate the current technical landscape and any potential software development solutions, as well as a user researcher who will gather end-user insight and ensure that the selected options are a great fit to user needs.

Person analysing site architecture as part of Discovery

We’ll use a range of techniques to conduct holistic, agile analysis and deliver a validated picture of your existing ecosystem’s strengths and pain points, alongside the roles, processes, dependencies and integrations this ecosystem touches upon. Tailored to suit your specific stakeholders and ways of working, information gathering techniques used during your options appraisal may include:

Analysis of software development options

Once the full scope of your options analysis project is understood, we’ll continue to work closely with your team on defining the organisational requirements that will form the basic evaluation criteria for identified solutions, taking an agile approach to ensure these are collaboratively and iteratively prioritised to deliver greatest value.

We’ll assess a wide range of off-the-shelf, configurable, customisable and bespoke software options depending on your needs, rapidly narrowing these down before conducting extensive assessments of the most suitable solutions. Not only this, but we’ll also compare different architecture approaches, software vendors, team structures and hosting options, to ensure all elements of your system work together efficiently and effectively.

Using principles taken from leading industry models such as the Lean Prioritisation Matrix and Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP), our options appraisal process explicitly separates the examination of assessment criteria from the performance of solutions. As a result, you can be confident that those solutions that perform against the most important criteria will rise to the top.

Criteria will be tailored to your specific needs and environment, but may include:

By separately evaluating relevant tools and technologies against these individual criteria, we can cut through complex issues to deliver a transparent, understandable and confident evaluation of the options available to you. From this, we’ll also produce a traceable matrix of scores that will help inform both our final recommendations and future decision-making.

Playback of options appraisal results and recommendations

We’ll deliver you the results of our options analysis in a clear and comprehensive deck, detailing:

Armed with this information you’ll be able to make informed decisions to enhance your IT ecosystem, driving sustainable returns and enabling you to consistently deliver against business goals and user expectations.

Deliverables include

Talk to one of our digital experts

Tom Houdmont

Head of Business Solutions

Do you have an idea or a project you need support with?

Tom leads Box UK’s Business Solutions team and has over 15 years experience in the web industry.  Tom is passionate about creating impactful solutions that solve real problems and deliver the outcomes our clients need.

Or call us on 020 8098 2093

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an options analysis?

Options analysis is a piece of technical consultancy focused on understanding what is needed by a business both now and in the future, developing options to translate this understanding into a cost-effective and future-proofed architecture, and assessing the feasibility of different software offerings, to find the best possible solution.

An options analysis project is typically broken down into three distinct phases – discovery, evaluation and playback.

During the discovery phase requirements are identified and a robust understanding of the existing situation developed via face-to-face workshops, interviews and remote dial-in sessions with key stakeholders.

Software appraisal activities are conducted during the evaluation phase, using techniques and approaches such as prioritisation matrices, and your analysts and consultants may also evaluate elements of your infrastructure, business processes and team make-up to uncover any areas for improvement.

These evaluation activities will reveal the most effective, efficient and scalable options for your needs, which will be delivered to your team as part of the playback phase alongside insight into your current system architecture, areas of risk, strengths and weaknesses, and estimated costs and timescales for delivery.

What are the benefits of an options analysis?

It can be difficult to build an objective understanding of the state of your systems when you’re working with them closely, and dealing with additional complexity such as ongoing costs and vendor lock-in, which can make identifying the right short- and long-term actions a challenge.

However, systems that suffer from gaps in capability, scalability, reliability or security are often a major barrier to the realisation of business goals, while problems with poor usability and accessibility can lead to significant inefficiency, as team members spend more time administering the system than adding value.

Engaging an independent external consultant for expert options analysis will help pinpoint any issues within your current systems and uncover the best possible solution for your needs, providing you with a clear and shared understanding of what your software needs to deliver, and the most feasible and suitable technology and infrastructure choices to get you there. Armed with this information you’ll be able to facilitate the ongoing improvement and optimisation of your systems, driving business growth, operational efficiencies, cost savings, customer satisfaction and more.

Client Stories

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