Strategic Planning and Analysis

Navigating strategic complexity, securing lasting success.

What we do

Agile Software Discovery

Set the foundation for your project’s success with Agile Software Discovery. We conduct in-depth workshops, user research, and data analysis to capture all user, business, and technical requirements. This process ensures a clear strategy and development roadmap, so you get the software solution you need to achieve your business goals.

Strategic Planning and Product Roadmaps

Our high-performance strategic planning guides your digital transformation with robust, agile roadmaps. We help identify technology updates, plan cultural shifts, and define key investments, ensuring a clear vision and long-term success. Our tailored roadmaps prioritise actions and adapt to evolving business needs.

Competitor Analysis

Our Peers, Innovators, and Competitors (PIC) review offers a unique, comprehensive competitor analysis. We assess your digital maturity against industry leaders, uncovering opportunities to enhance your competitive edge and drive digital success. Our customised report provides actionable insights and visual summaries to guide your strategic decisions.

Options Analysis

Evaluate your IT ecosystem with an Options Analysis. We use industry-leading models to objectively evaluate your IT ecosystem. We separate assessment criteria from solution performance, ensuring the best options rise to the top. Our tailored, transparent process delivers clear recommendations, helping you make informed decisions and drive long-term success.

CTO as a Service

Our experts provide strategic oversight, from technology assessment to project delivery, ensuring your IT ecosystem supports long-term business success. We tailor the engagement to meet your specific needs, offering full-time, part-time, or interim CTO services that adapt to your businesses growth plans, your changing business demands and evolving priorities.

Agile Coaching

Agile services, designed to increase speed, improve visibility, and manage change effectively. We guide your transition to Agile with tailored consultancy, coaching, and training, ensuring a cultural shift that fosters innovation, adaptability, and success. Whether refining current Agile practices or starting a full-scale transformation, we support your journey to Agile leadership.

Strategic Planning Solutions for Future-Proofing Your Business

As technology advances and customer expectations soar, strategic planning and analysis are crucial for businesses striving to stay ahead.  Companies must anticipate trends and adapt quickly to meet new demands. Without a clear and effective strategy, businesses risk falling behind competitors, missing out on opportunities for innovation, and jeopardising long-term success. By investing in comprehensive strategic planning, your organisation can navigate these challenges, drive growth, and ensure resilience in an increasingly competitive market.

Strategic Planning And Analysis Benefits

Proven expertise in digital transformation
With over 25 years of experience, Box UK has an exceptional track record in guiding large enterprises through successful digital transformations. We break down complex projects into clear, actionable steps, ensuring your business thrives in a competitive market.

Actional insights and strategic planning
Our services, including agile software discovery and roadmap planning, deliver clear, prioritised recommendations. We help your organisation stay relevant and successful in a rapidly changing digital landscape.

High-performance digital solutions
We specialise in delivering business-critical digital platforms tailored to your audience. Partnering with top technology providers like Microsoft and AWS, we ensure your solutions are innovative, scalable, and of the highest quality.

Comprehensive digital strategy consulting
Our digital strategy consultants get to the heart of your challenges, offering solutions like online process optimisation, system alignment, and digital innovation exploration. We help you stay ahead of the competition and secure necessary buy-in from stakeholders.

Tailored solutions for your business
Our analysts work closely with you to understand your technology ecosystem, business drivers, and goals. We develop strategies that include actionable solutions, skills development, and an implementation plan to quickly get you where you need to be.

Ongoing support and consultancy
Whether you need help executing your digital strategy or refining an existing plan, we offer expert guidance throughout your transformation journey. Services like CTO as a Service and Agile coaching provide the skills and knowledge needed for effective, efficient operations.

Frequently asked questions

What is digital transformation?

The concept of “digital transformation” is a complex one, and its meaning varies from business to business and even from team to team. At its heart though, digital transformation relates to any organisation seeking to review and reshape its operations around the opportunities and constraints that digital technologies present, to deliver added value for users and make core business processes more streamlined and friction-free.

Touching on every aspect of a business from strategic investment, digital marketing and recruitment decisions through to day-to-day communications and tasks, digital transformation initiatives typically involve large development projects, as organisations upgrade legacy systems and introduce new platforms in order to become more digitally-focused.

Which industries are undergoing digital transformation?

No matter what industry you operate in or the business model you employ, it’s likely that your organisation has been impacted by digital technologies. In addition to this, today’s consumers are influenced by leaders in customer experience and customer service from across a wide range of industries, making it important that organisations benchmark themselves against brands such as Amazon, Apple and Google, as well as their nearest competitors.

Digital transformation should therefore be a key consideration for virtually any organisation, and especially those providing important information and services to a wide and diverse audience. For example, the finance industry has seen huge shifts towards digital transformation in recent years – driven in part by the rise of digital-only ‘challenger’ banks – while we work closely with organisations in the housing association sector, such as ateb, to optimise core service delivery for tenants.

When should a company transform?

Digital transformation is not a one-time event. Rather, though a successful digital transformation will likely require that you make fundamental changes to the way you operate, it also demands that you continue making changes in order to keep pace with the ever-evolving digital world.

As such, it’s important that companies regularly review their digital capabilities for transformation opportunities no matter where they are on their transformation journey. The outputs from these reviews can then be used to inform a long-term strategic digital roadmap, as well as identifying ‘quick wins’ that can help deliver rapid improvements across your services.

This is particularly relevant as the rate of technological change continues to increase – meaning that once cutting-edge innovations can quickly become expected features and functionality, and requiring organisations to react accordingly.

What do digital transformation processes look like?

As digital transformation strategies look different for every organisation – depending on their current capabilities, business model, audience demographics, and strategic goals and objectives – there is no single approach to it.

To ensure any investment is targeted to deliver maximum value though, discovery activities should play a key role in the early stages of your digital transformation journey. Providing a shared understanding of your current situation and informing a clear future vision, this phase gives you a valuable head-start going into any subsequent development projects, while also helping secure buy-in.

Digital transformation initiatives can range from delivering a new website, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system or self-service portal, through to reviewing the legacy processes that sit at the heart of your organisation and making fundamental changes to the products and services you provide, as well as how you deliver these to your audience.

Throughout, it’s vitally important that you also consider the cultural aspects of your digital transformation programme, coaching your team in the skills they need to work in a more customer-centric and focused way, while also implementing change management processes to bring teams on board and safeguard sustainable transformation.

What are the benefits of digital transformation?

There are many benefits available to organisations that invest in digital transformation. Streamlining and automating business-critical processes can deliver significant efficiencies, freeing up staff to focus on increasing value and driving innovation. Additionally, digital transformation strategies often also support the integration of previously disparate systems, joining up data to provide a holistic picture of your customers and helping you identify gaps or areas of friction to be addressed.

Crucially, embracing digital technology innovations can enable you to better serve your customers, providing an intuitive, enjoyable and helpful user experience that helps increase satisfaction and engagement and positively impacts your bottom-line. Digital transformation also supports the creation of more customer-centric business processes and culture, improving your ability to serve your users at every level.

Is digital transformation a must?

With the potential rewards of digital transformation clear to see, it can be considered a must for any organisation looking to achieve or retain competitive advantage and keep pace with changing customer demands and behaviours. However, many businesses remain reluctant to invest in digital transformation strategies, due to the perceived cost and risk associated with these initiatives.

What is clear though is that digital is now a central means of communicating with and serving users – not to mention empowering workforces – and that digital technologies will only continue to grow in importance and complexity. Organisations that fail to keep up with this pace of change will therefore quickly find themselves unable to react to new demands and opportunities, and face increased expense and disruption when trying to upgrade their legacy systems and processes.

It is a must then that organisations regularly review their capabilities to ensure they are aligned with user expectations and business requirements, making changes as needed to address gaps and capitalise on new opportunities as part of an on-going process of digital transformation.

What is your step by step approach to digital transformation?

Every digital transformation journey is different and as such we’ll work with you to define a programme of work tailored to your specific needs and goals, employing a collaborative and iterative approach proven over hundreds of successfully-delivered digital transformation projects:

Following sign-off we can agree a series of check-in points to measure success, and refine your digital strategy and tactics as needed in response to current needs and new opportunities.

Firstly, we’ll arrange an initial consultation to get an overview of your requirements, objectives and any pain points, and explore where and how our digital transformation services can deliver you the greatest value.

We’ll then hold a kick-off session to introduce Box UK team members to relevant stakeholders from across your business, and confirm any strategic goals, success criteria and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

This will inform a detailed requirements gathering phase, where our analysts and consultants will capture the ‘as-is’ and ‘to-be’ picture of your digital services. Activities here may include stakeholder workshops, user surveys, operational process mapping, and technical reviews of your code and digital ecosystem.

You’ll be presented with a clearly-defined digital transformation strategy and roadmap, detailing short, medium and long-term activities and covering your development requirements, process improvements and any additional cultural considerations needed to support you in your journey.

Where there are multiple options available to deliver the outcomes you need, Box UK will detail the benefits and any disadvantages of these along with indicative implementation costs (your strategy and roadmap can also be used to guide implementation by your in-house team should you choose).

We may also recommend an initial prototyping phase to validate assumptions and technical decisions, and throughout delivery of your programme of work we’ll work iteratively to make all progress highly visible.

What organisations do you work with?

We’ve supported numerous high-profile organisations suffering from information and data silos, long lead times for project delivery and an inability to exploit new opportunities in an efficient manner, delivering digital strategy consulting services across industries including:


Public Sector




Talk to one of our digital experts

Tom Houdmont

Head of Business Solutions

Do you have an idea or a project you need support with?

Tom leads Box UK’s Business Solutions team and has over 15 years experience in the web industry.  Tom is passionate about creating impactful solutions that solve real problems and deliver the outcomes our clients need.

Or call us on 020 8098 2093

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